What’s the success rate of IVF?

The success rates depends on your particular fertility problem and your age. The younger you are, and the healthier your eggs are, the higher your chances of success.

Based on figures from 2010, the percentage of cycles for women using their own fresh eggs which result in a live birth are:

  • 32 per cent if you are under 35
  • 28 per cent if you are between 35 and 37
  • 21 per cent if you are between 38 and 39
  • 14 per cent if you are between 40 and 42
  • five per cent if you are between 43 and 44
  • two per cent if you are 45 or over

If you have been pregnant or have had a baby before, you have an increased chance of success.

You can improve your chances of success by:

  • Reaching a healthy weight for your height before you have treatment. IVF is more likely to be successful if your body mass index (BMI) is between 19 and 30.
  • Keeping your alcohol consumption to no more than one unit of alcohol per day, as drinking more than this reduces the effectiveness of IVF.
  • Stopping smoking (this includes your partner!) Smoking reduces success rates.
  • Keeping your caffeine consumption very low. Even low rates of consumption of 2 to 50mg have been linked to lower success rates.

Your chance of success falls as the number of unsuccessful IVF cycles increases. So, if you haven’t become pregnant after your third attempt at IVF, you may need to accept that it isn’t going to work for you. This may be hard to come to terms with, but there are organisations that can support you through it. Ask your GP or fertility clinic for details.

Check out http://ivfclinicinindia.com/ for more details

What are the disadvantages of IVF?

IVF increases your risk of certain complications, such as:

  • A multiple birth, when more than one embryo is transferred to your uterus. Many couples consider twins to be a blessing. But a multiple pregnancy increases your risk of having a premature baby or a baby with a low birth weight.
  • Side-effects from fertility drugs are usually mild, and include hot flushes, headaches and nausea. However, you will need to be closely monitored for signs of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS), particularly if you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Having OHSS may mean an interruption or cancellation of the treatment cycle and a stay in hospital while your over-stimulated ovaries settle down.
  • An increased risk of ectopic pregnancy, where an embryo implants in a fallopian tube or in your abdominal cavity. This is more likely if you have previously had problems affecting your fallopian tubes.
  • You may be at a slightly higher risk of your baby being born with a birth defect if you conceive with IVF. However, these problems are not common and the absolute risk of your baby having a problem as a result of ICSI or IVF is low. More research is needed to be sure if there is a direct link between fertility treatments and birth defects.

Despite these risks, many parents still go on to give birth to much-wanted, much-loved babies through IVF. If you are considering fertility treatment, the British Infertility Counselling Association offers advice and contact details for counsellors.

Check out http://ivfclinicinindia.com/ for more details

IVF live birth success rate statistics:

Success rates for IVF procedures vary considerably by the program handling the case. This is an important factor to consider – and not well understood by many consumers of infertility and IVF services.

Make sure that you discuss pregnancy and delivery success rates in detail with your doctor before you start a cycle. You should ask about their pregnancy and live birth rates for couples similar to you (e.g. same age group and diagnosis).

Get numbers in writing from your center before getting started. Any program will be able to provide this. If they are unwilling to provide pregnancy and/or delivery rates in writing, consider going elsewhere – they probably have low pregnancy rates.

A national summary and clinic-specific IVF results for the 2012 calendar year were released in 2014 and posted on the website of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, CDC, a US government agency).

In 2015, the Society for Assisted Reproductive Technology, SART posted clinic-specific IVF success rates for 2013 cycles.

Ref: http://bit.ly/1AE8keo

What is in vitro fertilization – IVF?

The IVF process involves:

Louise Brown was the first IVF baby in the world. She was born in July of 1978 in England. Louise was 28 (in 2006) when she had her own baby (without IVF).

  • Hundreds of thousands of children are now born every year as a result of IVF
  • For an overview of IVF, see In vitro fertilization

Fore more details check out http://ivfclinicinindia.com/

Legal issues in choosing an egg donor

Egg donor profiles will give the donor’s birth date and legal age. Egg donors are usually over 21 and most are usually under age 35, and typically not older than 33.

Many states require that the donor be at least 21 years old to guarantee that she can legally enter into a contract. This requirement ensures that there is informed consent to the donation and that donor fully understands the process, risks, and legal ramifications.

The under 35-age requirement is enforced to ensure that the egg donor has healthy eggs and is likely to respond well to fertility drugs. As women age, their egg quality and quantity decrease; so the young age of the egg donor allows for higher probability of a successful pregnancy for the recipient.

Check out http://surrogacyclinicsinindia.com/ for details

All About Egg Donor Profiles

Making the decision to use an egg donor is not an easy decision to make. Reviewing egg donor profiles and knowing which donor to choose can be difficult and stressful. Fortunately, most infertility clinics will guide you throughout this process to help you make a decision on an egg donor that suits you best.

All about egg donor profiles
Your infertility clinic will help you get started in the egg donor process. When you begin reviewing egg donor profiles, you can expect to discover all sorts of information about each potential egg donor. You will be able to find out the following information about each donor:

  • Age
  • Ethnicity
  • Height and weight
  • Eye and hair color
  • Education and hobbies
  • Personal information about her family history
  • Her reasons for choosing to be an egg donor

You can also see pictures of each egg donor. It is important to take the time to review the data in each egg donor profile to narrow down which woman may be the best “fit” with your family.

Check out http://surrogacyclinicsinindia.com/ for more details

Take your time with surrogacy

As you can see, there are several options to consider when choosing surrogacy, including whether you use your own eggs and sperm or donor eggs and sperm. If you choose surrogacy, keep in mind the following challenges that you may face:

  • Surrogate carriers, like all women, can miscarry.
  • It may take several attempts of IVF or artificial insemination before a pregnancy occurs.
  • Almost half of all gestational carriers give birth to multiples.

In addition, emotions often run high with surrogacy. Different people with many ideas and opinions are involved, including fertility doctors, legal counsel, the intended parent(s), the carrier, counselors, psychologists, and more.

If you have fertility problems and are choosing surrogacy, take care to review your situation with an attorney experienced with surrogacy. Working with an agency, or seeking professional guidance, may help you avoid many complications and problems.

Check out http://surrogacyclinicsinindia.com/ for more details

Surrogacy: The Basics

arah Jessica Parker did it. Nicole Kidman did it too. Even Elton John was successful with it! You may be thinking…plastic surgery? Some crazy juice fast? A new exercise routine? Nope, we are referring to something else. The celebrities listed above have all chosen surrogacy, a third party reproduction option, to help them build their families.

Third party reproduction
If you have been trying to get pregnant and have been diagnosed with fertility problems, you may have already looked into third party reproduction options. Third party reproduction options include:

Check out http://surrogacyclinicsinindia.com/ for more details

Seek guidance along the way

While many surrogacy arrangements run smoothly, surprises can occur. A therapist, legal expert, or surrogacy agency can help you during the surrogacy process. These individuals can guide you on the following issues:

  • Health insurance, costs and payments
  • How often you will communicate with and see the carrier, including how often you accompany her to her doctor visits
  • Intentions and plans for any baby showers and the child’s birth
  • How to handle sensitive issues, should they arise

In addition, make sure to budget for this experience. Surrogacy arrangements often run from $50,000 to over $100,000, depending on whether you go it alone or work with an agency.

Check out http://surrogacyclinicsinindia.com/ for more details

Screening a surrogate

When choosing surrogacy, potential carriers should provide you with the following:

  • Thorough medical and obstetric histories
  • Honest answers regarding lifestyle habits, drinking, and drug use
  • A clear bill of health and certification that she can sustain a healthy pregnancy
  • Results from infectious disease screenings and other blood tests

You and your partner will also need to be tested if you are providing eggs or sperm for your intended child. These tests serve to protect the carrier’s health and your child’s health.

Ref: http://bit.ly/1AGmqvB

Check out http://surrogacyclinicsinindia.com/ for more details